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YEAR-BY-YEAR - Team Champions 2008 Thornton 2007 Hales Franciscan 2006 Lincoln Park 2005 Thornton 2004 Thornton 2003 Rich Central 2002 Hales Franciscan 2001 Shepard 2000 Shepard 1999 Thornton 1998 Thornton 1997 Rich Central 1996 Thornton 1995 Bloom Township 1994 Shepard 1993 Rich South 1992 Hinsdale South 1991 Rich Central 1990 Hillcrest 1989 Hillcrest 1988 Rich Central 1987 Rich Central 1986 Rich Central 1985 Rich Central 1984 Evanston 1983 Evanston 1982 Bremen 1981 Rich South 1980 Crete-Monee 1979 Rich Central 1978 Rich Central 1977 St. Laurence 1976 Carl Sandburg 1975 St. Laurence 1974 Rich South 1973 Bishop McNamara Second Place 2008 Rich East 2007 Bloom Township 2006 Chicago Leo 2005 Lincoln Park 2004 Hales Franciscan 2003 Thornton 2002 Bloom Township 2001 Chicago Leo 2000 Chicago Vocational 1999 Rich Central 1998 Bloom Township 1997 Rich South 1996 Bloom Township 1995 Crete-Monee 1994 Hillcrest 1993 Bloom 1992 Rich Central 1991 Bloom Trail 1990 Shepard 1989 Rich South 1988 Rich South 1987 Tinley Park 1986 Oak Forest 1985 Bloom Trail 1984 Crete-Monee 1983 Bloom Trail 1982 Rich Central 1981 Crete-Monee 1980 Rich Central 1979 St. Laurence 1978 D.D. Eisenhower 1977 Bloom Trail 1976 Bremen 1975 Rich South 1974 Crete-Monee 1973 Rich South Third Place 2008 Rich South 2007 Lincoln Park 2006 Thornton 2005 Hales Franciscan 2004 Bloom Township 2003 Hales Franciscan 2002 Rich Central 2001 Rich South 2000 Bloom Township 1999 Hinsdale Central 1998 Rich Central 1997 Hillcrest 1996 Rich South 1995 Hinsdale Central 1994 St. Laurence 1993 Hillcrest 1992 St. Rita 1991 Hillcrest 1990 Tinley Park 1989 St. Laurence 1988 Bloom Trail 1987 Watseka 1986 Bloom Trail 1985 Oak Forest 1984 Rich Central 1983 Shepard 1982 Bloom Trail 1981 Joliet Catholic 1980 D.D. Eisenhower 1979 Joliet Catholic 1978 Carl Sandburg 1977 Bremen 1976 St. Laurence 1975 Bremen 1974 T.F. North 1973 St. Francis de Sales Fourth Place 2008 Chicago Leo 2007 Rich South 2006 Seton Academy 2005 Chicago Leo 2004 Lincoln Park 2003 Bloom Township 2002 Thornton 2001 Bloom Township 2000 Hinsdale Central 1999 Bloom Township 1998 Rich South 1997 Chicago Vocational 1996 Hinsdale Central 1995 Rich South 1994 Crete-Monee 1993 St. Rita 1992 Shepard 1991 Rich South 1990 Crete-Monee 1989 D.D. Eisenhower 1988 St. Laurence 1987 D.D. Eisenhower 1986 Tinley Park 1985 Crete-Monee 1984 Bloom Trail 1983 Bloom 1982 Bloom 1981 Carl Sandburg 1980 Evanston 1979 Rich South 1978 Marian Catholic 1977 Crete-Monee 1976 Bloom Trail 1975 Carl Sandburg 1974 Carl Sandburg 1973 Carl Sandburg Fifth Place (Started 1986) 2008 Seton Academy 2007 Thornton 2006 Bloom Township 2005 Marian Catholic 2004 Rich Central 2003 Chicago Leo 2002 Lincoln Park 2001 Hinsdale Central 2000 Rich South 1999 Marian Catholic 1998 Chicago Vocational 1997 Bloom Township 1996 Chicago Vocational 1995 Rich Central 1994 Eisenhower 1993 Rich Central 1992 Morgan Park 1991 Shepard 1990 Eisenhower 1989 Andrew 1988 Eisenhower 1987 Bloom Trail 1986 Bloom Consolation Champions 2008 Bolingbrook 2007 Chicago Leo 2006 Marian Catholic 2005 Chicago Fenger 2004 Chicago Leo 2003 Shepard 2002 Chicago Vocational 2001 Eisenhower 2000 Chicago Leo 1999 Rich South 1998 Hales Franciscan 1997 Thornton 1996 Rich East 1995 Eisenhower 1994 Rich Central 1993 Crete-Monee 1992 Eisenhower 1991 Marian Catholic 1990 Marian Catholic 1989 Carl Sandburg 1988 Crete-Monee 1987 A.B. Shepard 1986 Marian Catholic 1985 Evanston 1984 Watseka 1983 Joliet Catholic 1982 Evanston 1981 Rich Central 1980 Rich South 1979 Bloom Trail 1978 Tinley Park 1977 Carl Sandburg 1976 Crete-Monee 1975 Chicago Leo 1974 Bremen 1973 Wilmington Second Place Consolation 2008 Hales Franciscan 2007 Shepard 2006 Peoria Woodruff 2005 Bremen 2004 Marian Catholic 2003 Lincoln Park 2002 Chicago Prosser 2001 Chicago Prosser 2000 Marian Catholic 1999 Hinsdale South 1998 Eisenhower 1997 Rich East 1996 Crete-Monee 1995 Hinsdale South 1994 Marian Catholic 1993 Marian Catholic 1992 Hillcrest 1991 Andrew 1990 Andrew 1989 Crete-Monee 1988 Marian Catholic 1987 Marian Catholic 1986 Carl Sandburg 1985 St. Laurence 1984 A.B. Shepard 1983 Watseka 1982 Rich South 1981 Bremen 1980 Watseka 1979 D.D. Eisenhower 1978 A.A. Stagg 1977 A.A. Stagg 1976 Rich South 1975 Tinley Park 1974 Bishop McNamara 1973 Reddick Jim Becker Sportsmanship Award 2008 Tinley Park 2007 Marian Catholic 2006 Seton Academy 2005 Seton Academy 2004 Crete-Monee 2003 Peoria Woodruff 2002 Hinsdale South 2001 Hales Franciscan 2000 Dulles (Texas) 1999 Rich Central 1998 Hales Franciscan 1997 Hillcrest 1996 Rich South 1995 Eisenhower 1994 St. Laurence CURRENT CONSECUTIVE APPEARANCES 37- Rich South. 36- Crete-Monee. 32- Marian Catholic (34 overall), Shepard. 19- Rich Central (33 overall). 17- Bloom Township (24 overall). 15- Rich East. 14- Thornton. 12- Hales Franciscan. 11- Lincoln Park. 10- Chicago Leo. 5- Fenger, Seton Academy. 2- Bolingbrook, Morgan Park (5 overall), Tinley Park (24 overall)
CONSECUTIVE YEARS IN WINNERS BRACKET (Current) 16- Bloom Township. 11- Thornton. 9- Rich South. 1- Fenger, Leo, Rich East, Thornton, Tinley Park
WINNING PERCENTAGE (min. 10 games) .800- Thornton (40-10). .773- Evanston (17-5). .702- Rich Central (80-34). .692- Hillcrest (27-12). .674- Hales Franciscan (31-15). .667- Chicago Leo (24-12). .628- Bloom (54-32). .621- Bloom Trail (36-22). .619- Joliet Catholic (13-8). .593- Chicago Vocational (16-11). .579- Lincoln Park (22-16). .577- Rich South (75-55). .563- Seton Academy (9-7). .535- Bremen (23-20). .526- St. Laurence (41-37). .513- Hinsdale Central (20-19). .505- Eisenhower (49-48). .500- Wilmington (5-5). .491- Shepard (52-54). .486- Sandburg (34-36). .471- St. Rita (8-9). .465- Marian Catholic (53-61). .454- Crete-Monee (54-65). .429- Fenger (6-8) .417- Harlan (5-7). .408- Hinsdale South (20-29). .400- Andrew (18-27). .389- Rich East (21-33). .386- Watseka (17-27). .375- Peoria Woodruff (6-10). .338- Tinley Park (22-43). .333- Morgan Park (5-10). .300- Romeoville (3-7). .256- Stagg (11-32). .250- Oak Forest (11-33). .231- TF South (3-10). .133- Lincoln-Way (2-13).
(Nine games or fewer) .750- Kankakee McNamara (6-2), Bolingbrook (3-1), TF North (3-1), De Sales (3-1). .500- Herndon, Virg. (2-2), Dulles, Texas (2-2), Chicago Prosser (4-4). .429- West Chicago (3-4). .333- Reddick (2-4), West Leyden (1-2), Buffalo Grove (2-4), Walther Lutheran (1-2). .250- Hubbard (1-3), Chicago Corliss (1-3), Fenton (1-3), Morton West (1-3), Providence Catholic (1-3), Wheaton-Warrenville (2-6). .167- Plainfield (1-5). .000- Wheaton Christian (0-2), Downers Grove South (0-2), Elmwood Park (0-2), Minooka (0-2), Bogan (0-3), Juarez (0-3), Noble Street (0-3), Grayslake (0-4), Kenwood (0-4), Peotone (0-8).
FINAL FOUR APPEARANCES 16- Rich Central. 15- Rich South. 13- Bloom Township. 9- Bloom Trail, Crete-Monee, Thornton. 7- St. Laurence. 6- Shepard, Sandburg, Hillcrest. 5- Hales Franciscan. 4- Bremen, Eisenhower, Hinsdale Central, Leo, Lincoln Park.
BIG DIPPER VICTORIES 80- Rich Central. 75- Rich South. 54- Bloom Township, Crete-Monee. 53- Marian Catholic. 52- Shepard. 49- Eisenhower. 41- St. Laurence. 40- Thornton. 36- Bloom Trail. 34- Sandburg. 28- Hales Franciscan. 27- Hillcrest, Chicago Leo. 23- Bremen. 22- Lincoln Park, Tinley Park. 21- Rich East. 20- Hinsdale Central, Hinsdale South. 18- Andrew. 17- Evanston, Watseka. 16- Chicago Vocational. 13- Joliet Catholic. 11- Stagg, Oak Forest. 9- Seton Academy. 8- St. Rita. 6- Fenger, Peoria Woodruff, Kankakee McNamara. 5- Morgan Park, Wilmington, Harlan. 4- Chicago Prosser. 3- Bolingbrook, De Sales, Romeoville, TF North, TF South, West Chicago. 2- Herndon (Virg.), Dulles (Texas), Lincoln-Way, Reddick, Buffalo Grove. 1- Hubbard, Corliss, Fenton, Morton West, Plainfield, Providence Catholic, West Leyden, Walther Lutheran. 0- Noble Street, Juarez, Wheaton Christian, Downers Grove South, Elmwood Park, Minooka, Bogan, Grayslake, Kenwood, Peotone.
BIG DIPPER GAMES PLAYED 130- Rich South. 120- Crete-Monee. 114- Rich Central, Marian Catholic. 106- Shepard. 97- Eisenhower. 82- Bloom Township. 78- St. Laurence. 70- Sandburg. 65- Tinley Park. 58- Bloom Trail. 54- Rich East. 50- Thornton. 49- Hinsdale South. 45- Andrew. 44- Watseka, Oak Forest. 43- Bremen, Stagg. 42- Hales Franciscan. 40- Chicago Leo. 39- Hillcrest, Hinsdale Central. 38- Lincoln Park. 27- Chicago Vocational. 22- Evanston. 21- Joliet Catholic. 17- St. Rita. 16- Seton, Morgan Park, Peoria Woodruff. 15- Fenger, Lincoln-Way. 13- TF South. 12- Harlan. 10- Romeoville, Wilmington. 8- Chicago Prosser, Kankakee McNamara, Peotone, Wheaton-Warrenville. 7- West Chicago. 6- Buffalo Grove, Plainfield, Reddick. 4- Hubbard, Herndon (Virg.), Dulles (Texas), Corliss, De Sales, Fenton, Grayslake, Kenwood, Morton West, Providence Catholic, TF North. 3- Bolingbrook, Noble Street, Chicago Bogan, Chicago Juarez, West Leyden, Walther Lutheran. 2- Downers Grove South, Elmwood Park, Minooka, Wheaton Christian.
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