financial tip of the week...

by Genya Harley 

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Folks, many of you that are reading this are in my same situation and I URGE you to meet up with Ms. Harley and get your "Financial House" in order! Initial consultation is well-worth it plus it's FREE!!! You do NOT want to get caught on the other side of life not prepared!!!

Hello All,
Hope you are having a fantastic weekend thus far. I always appreciate the feedback and have found that many of you are forwarding my information to your family and friends. Thank you.
I have been keeping you informed for almost 2 years on a variety of financial matters. However, just like many of us log onto WebMD to obtain medical advice and we know that depending on the issue we eventually have to "physically" go into see a doctor at some point, reading advice about your finances is a good start, but now is the time to stop reading and thinking about what I have said and "act on it".

I know there is someone reading this today and still have not had a financial review, have not started a budget, have not obtained life insurance, have not taken action toward retirement planning, have not obtained information on Medicare Supplements and will be turning age 65 in a few months, have not obtained short or long term disability insurance, have not started saving for college and etc, etc, etc. You know the scripture that says, "You have not because you ask not"????? We should be "haves" and not "have nots"...let's start today!

The information that I am giving you via these tips may be wonderful and gives you a lot to think about, but I can assist you better if you call me or email me, we can meet and take a look at where you are, develop a plan and you decide where you want to go from there. Let's take action...!

I am doing you a dis-service if you are reading this every week and you do not take the next step (action) to let me help you. Stop reading and thinking about what I am saying and let's set up a time that is convenient to meet. I can meet you at your home, we can do lunch or dinner or we can meet at my office.

Contact me at or or 773-251-1865.

I can help you with: Life insurance, Annuities, Retirement Planning, Medicare Supplements, College Planning, Buy-Sell (Business) Agreements, Estate Planning....
Until next always be safe, use wisdom.

If you would like more information or if you have any comments, questions or suggestions, please call me or email me at 773-251-1865 or, or

Genya Harley
Financial Consultant
Mutual of Omaha
19255 Everett Lane, Suite C
Mokena, IL 60448

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